1. Symposium Topics:
i) IAG Presidential Oration – Dr . Ashish Goel
ii) Dr. A B Dey
iii) Dr. Jyotirmoy Pal
i) Superager – Dr Prasun Chatterjee/Dr. Senthil/Ms. Ritika/Ms. Tejaswini
ii) Digital literacy & Gerotechnology – Dr. Jino Joy
iii) Depression in Elderly- Dr. Surekha V
iv) Failing heart or Frailing body: a gero-centric approach for the management of heart failure – Dr. Ambrish Pandey (UT Southwestern Medical Center, USA),
Dr. Sumitabh Singh, Dr. Pramod Kumar
v) Professionalism in Geriatric Medicine – Dr. Shehan Silva, Sri Lanka
vi) Rapidly Progressive Dementia in elderly – Dr. Steve Manjaly
vii) Community Geriatrics home care model – Dr Alka Ganesh
6. Quiz
Quiz Topic: Geriatrics & Medicine
There will be 2 rounds
i). Preliminary Round – on 28th September ii). Final Round – on 29th September
•Type of Quiz:
1. Postgraduate/Residents Quiz 2. Undergraduate Quiz
> Participation will be in teams, Pair of 2 participants.
> 6 teams will be going for finals
> Participation may or may not be from the same Institute
> Kindly register in order to participate in the Quiz and win exciting prizes!!!
> On the Spot registration will be available for the Quiz with registration for the conference.